I tried to be by your side

When you thought

That He forgot you

I tried to prove the opposite

But you meant it was a lie

Facing the diamonds

Facing the wrath

The world was 

Your only option

The road



The soul resists

and it doesn't grow

You blinded yourself

From options that the world was offering

Why to hesitate

When you face a small stone

Showing up on the path

If there´s strength enough

To break huge walls

Insi[ght]de of you

When you couldn't dream

Till the dawn

I lulled you with lullabies

All over the night

You´re demanding the victory

And from far

He had applause you

And so

You forgot to love

 And you forgot to pray

N´ now I can see across the light

I can see across the fountain

The skies will fall on us

This eternal twilight

Copyright © 2024 Isiely Ayres

[All rights reserved]



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