
Showing posts from July, 2023
SO LOUD I think I got older I can’t listen to rock n´ roll so loud I don´t know if I got surly Or if the time flies so fast that it Made me stressed Coz, it comes n´ takes me N´ never ask if I would like to go So that's all ok, time You can take me But please ask for the life To play Something milder to me   Coz, I think I got older I can’t listen to rock n´ roll so loud I think the time fly n´ takes me too far, too far away The time flies, flies stopped Lonely n´ distant N´ it doesn't give me a single instant of so much flying I think I got older I can’t listen to rock n´ roll so loud If it´s your turn, Time So ok, you can fly n' fly Might be it´s just my time as well N´ I can´t ear n´ just ear Fly, time, Fly, time N´ I´ll not forget I might even like rock But just a little bit lower N´ if don´t become faster Copyright © 2023 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved]  
THE GOD ON TV If the gods of temps n´ distance Knew about us, my love Ashamed They would cease to exist If longings n´ tears live so close which other On this world Why should we be so far¿ Nothing will make you became That god on TV Now, so far away from me Make the party, live the dream Make your night But don´t forget me Your look now looks untouchable Like the stars in the skies To be far from you right now Is bittering all my honey Before I didn´t think about meeting you Now I’ve hurt coz´ I think I lost you Copyright © 2023 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved]
ANY LOBBY I need to meet you On a poor hotel´s lobby But a poor hotel doesn´t have a lobby Nor allow the guest gets Any appointment My stolen love Why did you leave me¿ My favourite dream I was just wasting the days When I did find you Don´t forget but also don´t think That what love did is going to keep clear Do the math, tell your legend He took, he brings back Remember what was left behind? Weird the way all that happened Coz´ you just passed, n´ passed by me As someone who didn´t know me But had memories of the days When we have been together I´m dreaming from a bedroom beside the street On the moon´s neighbourhood Did I lose¿ I feel so afraid Any lobby in the world was going to save my secret Copyright © 2023 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved]  
FEW WORDS Asking n´ answering I lose myself in the sky I pretend I’m believing Someday something will happen God¿ You get to live a lot more In few days On a magic´s driven world Few words tell us a lot more Denying n´ accepting I lose myself in bed Without pretending I like that But I’m not going to speak about you Guy I got to feel a lot more Those few minutes Insi[ght]de a snaps’ driven heart Who thinks less Lives more N´ now that I lost myself In the backyard, on the stairway Now that I have thrown myself Among poets n´ philosophers Now I'm already in love And I got lost, and I drank, and I smoked, And I spoke, and I thought, and ... I lived!     Copyright © 2023 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved]