Who knows

If we hadn´t ever known the hate

We wouldn´t mind about love

Who knows

If we hadn´t ever known the pain

We wouldn´t mind about pleasure

Who knows

If we hadn´t ever known the doubt

We wouldn´t mind being sure

Who knows

If we hadn´t ever dream

We wouldn´t mind about achieve it

Who knows

If we hadn´t ever try

We wouldn´t need to insist

Who knows

If we hadn´t ever taken the first step

We wouldn´t need to turn back

Who knows

If we hadn´t ever been created

It would be possible to sleep

[or maybe we wouldn´t exist]

Who knows

If we hadn´t ever known the rhyme

There would be no poetry

Who knows

If we hadn´t ever known the prose

We wouldn´t say

Who knows

There weren´t words

Everybody was going to raise the guns

And every excess and every shortage

Would be decimated

Who knows

If we hadn´t ever known the paradox or the unknown

We wouldn´t need balance or resolution

Who knows

If was the essential unnecessary

Who knows if there was ever

a glimmer of light

[Or of darkness]

Who knows,

It would fall on us right now

[like an angel fallen]



… And we never dared again

 Who knows?

Who knows?

Copyright © 2023 Isiely Ayres


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