I lose the thread coz` I halt n´ start thinking

Looking at the sky across the window I ask the world to spin

I would like to know how it´s going to be tomorrow

I would like to know how everything is going to end up

But nobody gave me a good night kiss

Nobody even ever spokes about love with me

Then the hours go on and on in vain

I see a suspect passing by the street

But at this time

The only witness is the moon

Thinking better, neither her

Come softly coz` I halt n´ start praying

I look up n´ I wish to be perfect

So, I start to reproduce the angels´ attitude

I never get disappointed

With everything going wrong

I will make it right a day

I hold on, I'm going to party

I´m ephemeral, I´m a queen, I´m nothingness

Then life goes on and on for free

Copyright © 2022 Isiely Ayres

[All rights reserved.]



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