How evil I´ve been?

When you´ll close your eyes again

Do not forget the real world

Then maybe you are not going to cry later

Responsibility as a mindset [only]

It does not work

Perfect is to feel the pleasure

Without running the risk of getting out alone

With your own doubts

Taking your mistaken steeps

by the streets… coz you would get late

To clarify, to forget

Or maybe to see me¿

What is right¿

What´s wrong¿

How evil I´ve been¿

When I get to speak about it

Without any fear

I am going to try to be more clear

We are equal and we are running the same risk

If this illness get you

I´ll be as a victim as you

A victim of the eyes which sees only what it wishes to see

Coz´ for them it´s enough

´Till the day when it gets different

N´ if you think that's all ok

N´ just gimme your back… amen

What is right¿

What´s wrong¿

How evil I´ve been¿

Copyright © 2021 Isiely Ayres

[All rights reserved.]


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