Dates in pictures and diaries

The days are like cigarettes
They became ashes
Go through one after other
In front of me
In front of my blurred eyes
In this smoke room
The time that I count
It does not worth anything
If I don´t feel alive n´ I don’t feel happy
It does not worth, it does not worth
The time I am counting
It does not worth anything
These days goes thought
As an addiction
N´ I cannot get free
Of them
The time that I count
N´ goes thought
N´ make me so numb
N´ give me back in past
All these dates in pictures n´ diaries
Like ashes,
as if it was the only thing that remains
These dates in pictures n´ diaries

Copyright © 2021 Isiely Ayres

[All rights reserved.]


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