Drama Queen

I feel good... The noise has gone

I do not have any more such variety

Of options to choose me

I can look at what I want to see

And eat what I really would like to eat

Now that I'm left with the silence of my room

And an annoying dog barking outside

While I keep trying to understand

Facing the mirror feeling like I am garbage

I am so close and so far away

I remember a lot

It looks more than I lived

I am always on the same page

I am pure illusion insi[ght]de your soul

There is a mirror at the end of the hall

And not a light at the end of the tunnel

In case you see something shining

It's the ember of my cigarette in the dark

I want to be everything

I just don´t wanna be

The "Drama Queen"

hard to understand

Oops, I did it again…

Copyright © 2021 Isiely Ayres

[All rights reserved.]



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