Freedom of "being"

Utopian parable of talents

Right here is the question insi[sgh]de out

Should this search for the” ideal”, the “luck”

and the “right moment”

Just being a way to waist opportunities¿

Same if I don´t have a car

Or either a coin in my pocket

Neither a house to live

that is not rented,

no fashionable clothes

 for a night out [of nowhere]

And all the time I´ve spent far away

Of the small things that really matter, I´d lost

Coz I was worried about

What I should 'have'

to 'power'

Point out that I am here.

If only one time

were preached 'freedom of being'

I am


Simply coz I am here

Here I am

Copyright © 2021 Isiely Ayres

[All rights reserved.]



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