
Showing posts from January, 2024
WHEN YOU WHISPERED I LOVE YOU Blesses will fall On the mild falling rain I hope that the dreams Can feel this soft breeze Coming to my body To caress me Let a light shine On your hand n´ On the born love In my heart Your friendship is a sun Driving away the storm Your look crowded my world So desert of happiness When you whispered I love you I kept dreaming N´ the morning came I waited loving you N´ the night forgot to fall I was happy N´ the pain just left a rainbow On her place insi[ght]de my heart Blesses will fall On the roses That I left it in your window I hope that the angels They could feel it´s smell N´ blows a breath of petals On your face When you wake up …May a light shine… Copyright © 2024 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved]  
I COULD HAVE DONE WITHOUT THAT To remember why? To make it hurt again? Why if, it´s not painful anymore What to remember? Well, we had a good run… Cliché My hands were shaking I would never say You just got out Ellipsis I would never ´Coz it Already Doesn´t make sense A fresh start N´ the end finally I could have done without that All that was too good for me In the beginning, in the middle And in the filling In the love n´ in the cherry Copyright © 2024 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved]  
N´ THE CLOWN WHAT´S IT? Come sun with this sad smile Thinking it had been raining All over the day N´ right now it´s almost night You did nothing today… goodbye I saw on TV A new superhero Heroes always bring one of those amulets So, in the toy stores A similar always shows up N´ Santa Claws can deliver When it´s Christmas night Come sun n´ produce money So my father will purchase I don´t know if clean or if I write N´ shake the dust, later on, I´ll read From the original minstrel´s songbook It is a very strong love song Travel sun, it´s your fate We didn´t Carpe diem today So Tomorrow is another day Sleep sun, you can dream of the circus They took the clown away They made the clown play football They invented a clown at school N´ invited him to get out A cheap clown asking for alms A book´s clown a hot hit clown You can count clowns instead of sheep’s N´ the clown what´s it? Copyright © 2024 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved]
What to tell? My disenchantment It stole you N´ took the love So far away I didn´t seek I didn´t want to want  Explanations I didn´t ‘ know-how ’... To give  What to tell? About a love that ends up What to tell? About a love that ends up Lies Fed illusions Why to fight? It´s not possible to restart I´m going to hurt I´m able to not crying Either for you Neither for me I´m distant I had enough Don´t ask me I´m not going to lie... What to tell? About a love that ends up How can I ask you to forgive me? What to tell? About a love that ends up I don´t have an explanation What to tell? About a love that ends up Goodbye there´s no feeling anymore Copyright © 2024 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved]  
  Crooked I´m not wise I never face the life The way it comes I do transforming Everything in fantasy                                          Insi[ght]de my little mental hardware I´m always turning frogs into prince charming I can never reach out who are by my side or closer I never kiss anyone Is that right? I´m crooked they call me this way I´m crooked Someone would like to take care of me? Copyright © 2024 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved]