
Showing posts from April, 2022
I WAS NOT THERE What am I doing right here? On the “can't see an inch of my nose” world Where else can I get lost? The day has consumed all my senses A light out of place has been enough A tear to burn One more sun raise to kill me This place was so good I didn´t have any worries Nothing could take me away from here I could die at sea by my own wills Today I am going to write a song “Dissatisfaction” What am I doing sitting down right here? Waiting for the next cigarette That will kill me, n´ kill me N´ it doesn´t kill me never Where else can I look for myself? I was not there insi[ght]de your eyes I was not there insi[ght]de your heart I was not right here I was not in the sky But my mind It doesn´t lo[o]se itself never I pretend I don´t know That when all the lights go off I am going to fly far away I am going fly to tomorrow N´ there I will write a song “Reflection” Copyright © 2022 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved.]
Our secret Ah… How I wish To know-how To do a beautiful song Like The Beatles Only to tell you That I love you  While singing N´ that it´s so much, so much That everyone is going to listen to But it can also keep being Our secret That I love you so much, so much That I don´t tell to anyone   Let the wind speak Let someone else sing Simple phrases  In "Love key" Let the wind speak Let someone else sing My hidden secret I feel so much love That it does make any sense Any more Copyright © 2022 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved.]  
´Till Tomorrow Morning I see on tv Worldwide news In some seconds What a vulgar way of love N´ rhyme I would like to speak with you But I only spoke about you It would be nice If I could Figure out tomorrow morning Coz´ what belongs for today I should have been done today Then someone else comes N´ redo what has been poorly done Without owing any respect To the poorly written lines In the last attempt I would like to make it better But the love, you know… It couldn’t wait ´Till tomorrow morning Copyright © 2022 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved.]  
Creation´s Magic While mornings revealed All my dreams For the sunlight I was hiding myself Afraid of you were hearing Birds whispering about The love I feel for you My pink secret That was saved Insi[ght]de the most Beautiful flowers´ perfume That the hand of the goddess wove With creation´s magic While birds were telling All my dreams for the rainbow I didn´t want to exist anymore Coz´ everyone already knew That I am in love with you Copyright © 2022 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved.]