
Showing posts from September, 2021
  Looks like clues     The poems that for decades Were forgotten Insi[ght]de my aunt's high school notebook Now make sense   Love histories´ Lightening plots About people that meet And fall in love Now make themselves read [re]read And feel deep Refused cigarettes Car changes, the found papers Looks like clues   I feel like I am giving what I never had And I give For your perfume Remain in my lips forever To listen to a new melody And it is going to be singing The words I've ever never written Love makes sense Now that I have you here Copyright © 2021 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved.]
  Roundabout So, sleep well Dream with someone Which is not the one who has gone Either the one who will come Neither the same one The one that will never or the one that forever will Nor the one-way Less yet the one you wait At the roundabout On the sign to nowhere Definitely [un]defined Wait as someone without wishes But always wait The one who didn´t promise to come Who doesn´t get tired will see    The eyes are not going to resist And the heart will know about What it doesn´t want to fell Even so you didn´t cry At the roundabout On the sign to nowhere Definitely [un]defined Copyright © 2021 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved.]
  Aleister love   Turn back later Light a love for two of us Different from everything you felt If that didn't catch your feelings Come on on time It remains only two of us now We can´t wait For those who already have gone away They aren´t going to turn back Love ends up, angel So, hold me tight I crossed with you among the saints And I didn´t see Moscow  in my memories The wind brought changes I have changed but I didn´t forget you Make use of magic I let you bewitch me With a witchcraft Which no one used before Maybe it works! Astral projection Desert meditation Any sorceress That can make our love endless Copyright © 2021 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved.]
There were those days?   The house was sad Coz the lovers moved to another country Sad was the horizon around the house N´ each heart longing there Coz love wasn´t there anymore To lull the night With a sweet lullaby The Garden is dying N´ all those flowers Were so charming for the sad house   I prayed for you Yesterday night I asked you could stay here Till “forever” I prayed for the love Yesterday night I asked love don´t say Until “never” There were those days?   The town was sad Coz the students Went to university Sad was the horizon around the town N´ each far heart longing there Coz They didn´t know the hopes So there´s no tomorrow N´ the wind didn´t promise An ending for the smiles And all those smiles were so charming To your sad eyes Copyright © 2021 Isiely Ayres [All rights reserved.]